
Midtown madness 3 all paint jobs
Midtown madness 3 all paint jobs

midtown madness 3 all paint jobs

the two levels on the other hand are very detailed and well layed out but having only two maps sucks and the scenery gets old fast. the story lines is pretty lame and detached. i honestly dont like how the cars look as compared to midnight club 2 or even sega GT. but i am speaking from teh perspective of someone who has only played the single player mode. Overall: my overall opinion of this game is that it sucks. He says stuff like "and the only reason im not sueing you is because im such a nice person." And that crazy French guy.I can't understand what he says(some thing like, "Drive like youve never driven before!) And Mathilda! She will drive you insane. Mr Pickie will leave you wanting to smash your Xbox. Sound: MMMMMMM.Thecars sound so cool, and the voice acting is really good. See if you can find a girl with a mohawk. The cars look awesome in their polished glory(with the exeption of the garbage truck)There is no slowdown and The pedestrians look cool.I like looking at their haircuts. Mine says "BADBOY" (Pretty tacky I know but it looks good on a Viper) The cars are fun to drive and best of all.You can have custom numberplates. And you unlock cool new cars with each new job. But its really fun and It does take a while. Gameplay: There is a work undercover mode where you get different jobs and you go around doing the jobs and trying to find out stuff about stuff. Unlike some people, I think this game takes a long time to complete. Most people just run away from it because Its only got 2 levels but who cares? They are so big and its really fun trying to get all the paint jobs. Suggestions: just make Midtown madness 4 :-) You can also custimize your sound track and listen to the your favorite songs Sound: The sound in this game can help you out alot, in games like tag/stayaway/Capture the gold you can hear people coming up behind you and you can dodge away. The maps are huge and the graphics are sub-par but still very nice They have a almost exact replica of Paris and Washington D.C. Graphics: The graphics for this game are not amazing but the maps are.

Midtown madness 3 all paint jobs Offline#

offline all you can mainly do is cruise around two cities "D.C., Paris" and online you can cruise around with up to 8 friends along with modes like "checkpoint, Capture the Gold, Stayaway, Tag, Hunter" The replay value is amazing and every game you play will be different and fun Gameplay: The gameplay in MM3 is really great ONLINE. The downloadable content for this game is the most I have seen for xbox live with around 12 cars and 20 checkpoint races this game although old is one of the great games of Xbox Live The game has a 5 different modes and each are fun in there own way.

midtown madness 3 all paint jobs

Overall: The racing game was solely made for Xbox Live, if you do not have xbox live you do not want this game. Suggestions: Even more cars, better graphics, and more things to do in this game would definately spice it up a bit.

midtown madness 3 all paint jobs

Sound: Sound isn't too bad, engine sounds aren't the best but oh well. Not the most graphic game out there, but it's sure ok with me. It sure sounds like it could be fun as well. This game is also available on Xbox Live, but I can't say that I've played it on XboxLive. I like going high speeds and just crashing into stuff or getting air, haha. Bring some friends over and run into each other. It wasn't the best crayon in the box but I like to mess around in games sometimes and this game was fun. Overall: I think when I played this that the game wasn't all that bad.

Midtown madness 3 all paint jobs